- the unit to which one belongs
- 所在: place; location
- 单位: unit
- 由所在单位开证明: have your organisation issue you with an identifying paper
- 可独立存在单位: sustainable unit
- 所在: 1.(处所) place; location 所在单位 the unit to which one belongs; 风景优美的所在 a picturesque place; a scenic spot; 发现敌人的所在 locate the enemy; 由所在单位开证明。 have your organisation issue you with an identifying paper.2.(存在的地方) where 某人的本质所在 where sb. is at; 事情的核心所在 where it's at; 症结所在 the crux; 问题所在 the crux of the problem; 这就是问题的所在。 that is where the question arises