房间: room; chamber; house of offi ...调查: investigate; examine; inquir ...后: behind; back; rear得: need乐谱: music score; music时间调查: time investigation轮候时间调查: waiting time survey行车时间调查: travel time survey得乐: de-nol; pedler; standox; teclock经七个月调查后拘捕疑犯: were arrested公路行驶时间调查: highway travel time survey机构间调查委员会: interinstitutional investigation commission机构间调查小组: interinstitutional investigation group乐谱: music score; music 你识乐谱? can you read music?; 乐谱架 music stand间调: tone区域间调查洗钱技术课程: interregional investigation techniques course on money-laundering爱得乐: adlo得乐省: dak lak province佳得乐: gatorade黎得乐: josefriederer骑得乐: nm100-3西得乐: sidel房间: room; chamber; house of office; apartment 单人房间 a single room; 双人房间 double room; 一套房间 a suite; 房间号码 room number; 房间钥匙 room key; 给房间通气 air a room; 打扫房间 clear a room; 光线昏暗的房间 a dimly lighted room; 出租房间 let the rooms out; 预订房间 have a room reserved 检查后雾灯: check rear foglights; r/fog light经审查后: on examination