Erection of low - voltage installations - humid and wet areas and locations , outdoor installations 低压装置的安装.潮湿地区和场所户外设备
Methods of measurement on receivers for satellite broadcast transmissions in the 12 ghz band . part 1 : radio - frequency measurements on outdoor units 12 ghz波段卫星广播发射用接收机的测量方法.第1部分:户外设备的射频测量
Based on the detailed investigation about the present conditions of polution in yichang and three gorges dc converter stations and its prediction , and concerning the esdd measurement of dc , ac equipment near the three gorges dc converter station , the operating experience and the atmospheric characters of the yichang city , the porper data of esdd of three gorges dc converter station is presented . and further more , presents the related structural parameters of outer insulation of out door dc , ac equiptment 针对宜昌市大气污染和三峡换流站站址附近污秽状况,结合三峡换流站附近交、直流设备盐密测量和运行经验以及宜昌气候特征,提出了三峡换流站适用的等值附盐密度值,并在此基础上提出了交、直流户外设备外绝缘的有关结构参数。