截面: section; cross section; cros ...数据: data; record; information与: take part in; participate in时间序列: time series的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...合并: merge; amalgamate; combine; ...时间序列数据: time series data一维序列数据的分段法: segmentation of one-dimensional sequence data序列数据库: sequence library分子序列数据: molecular sequence data随机过程与时间序列: stochastic processes & time sequences氨基酸序列数据库: amino acid sequence databases入口序列数据组: entry-sequenced data set基因和蛋白质序列数据: sequence data中子截面数据直接存取: neutron data direct access时间序列: [统计学] time series; 时间序列分析 [数学] time series analysis 时间序列预测 time series forecasting时间序列表: time series table时间序列法: time series method时间序列论: theory of time series时间序列图: time series charts; time series plot表列数据: data given in tabular form; data in digital tabulations; tabular data; tabular figure; tabulated data队列数据集: queue data set; queued data set队列数据组: queue data set排列数据表: arrange tables系列数据: cd chain data