

  • warning of disconnection
  • :    cut; sever
  • 水警:    water police; water policema ...
  • :    officially announce
  • 水警:    water police; water policeman
  • 截水:    interception◇截水沟 intercepting dike; catchwater; interceptor drain; 截水墙 water stop; cut-off walls


        :    cut; sever
        水警:    water police; water policema ...
        :    officially announce
        水警:    water police; water policeman
        截水:    interception◇截水沟 intercepting dike; catchwater; interceptor drain; 截水墙 water stop; cut-off walls
        水警轮:    marine police craft/marine police launches
        水警区:    maritime garrison command
        警告:    1.(提醒; 对错误行为提出告诫) warn; caution; admonish 医生警告病人不要抽烟。 the doctor warned the patient against smoking [not to smoke].他向我做了一个警告的眼色。he gave me a warning look. 对方不重视我方的警告。the other side paid no attention to our warning.2.(一种处分) warning 警告处分 punishment of warning; 给予警告处分 give sb. a disciplinary warning; 党内警告处分 give sb. a warning as a measure of party discipline; 警告标灯 (筑路地点的) road beacon; 警告灯 warning lamp; 警告阀 alarm valve; 警告牌 notice board; warning board; 警告信号 [交通运输] warning signal; 警告信号灯 warning light; 警告者 cautioner
        截水槽:    cutoff trench
        截水堤:    cutoff dike; cut-off wall
        截水沟:    berm; canal cut; catch drain; catchdrain; catchwater; crown ditch; cut-off drain; diversion ditch; intercepting channel/ ditch; intercepting channel/ditch; intercepting detch; intercepting ditch; intercepting drain; interception channel; interception ditch; interceptor drain; trap trench
        截水壕:    trench, cut-off
        截水井:    blind catch basin
        截水路:    intercepting drain
        截水器:    interceptor; moisture trap
        截水墙:    curtain wall; cut-off civil works; wall, cut-off; water barrier; water stop
        截水渠:    catchwater; catchwork
        海军水警区:    naval coast guard area
        洪水警报:    flood warnings; floodwarning
        枯水警报:    low water alarm
        前水警总部:    former marine police headquarters compound
        水警稽查队:    pmf
        水警稽查所:    revenue officers station
        营口水警区:    yingkou coastal defence regions
        报警阀水警铃:    sprinkler alarm valve water motor alarm


  1. "截水沟(天沟)"英文
  2. "截水沟;承水渠。"英文
  3. "截水管道"英文
  4. "截水壕"英文
  5. "截水井"英文
  6. "截水口镶件"英文
  7. "截水路"英文
  8. "截水泥浆槽"英文
  9. "截水排水沟"英文
  10. "截水器"英文


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