Strategic trade policies and choice of strategic industry in china 试论战略性贸易政策与我国战略性产业的选择问题
The industry of science and techniques of defence is a strategic industry of our country 摘要国防科技工业是我国的战略性产业。
However , in view of conditions in the western region , the best choice is to shift front current preferential policy to strategic distribution of industry structure 但是,在综合考虑西部各种条件下,继续推进西部大开发战略的最佳选择应是由目前实施的政策倾斜向西部地区战略性产业结构布局转变。
Cutting trade barriers means national industries will be all exposed to international competition , making the strategic industries difficult to develop for lack of protection 削减贸易壁垒意味着国内工业将全面参与国际竞争,同时也将使国内新兴的“战略性产业”面临由于扶持不足而难以发展的危险。
Analysts suggested the result was in line with the government ' s aim of taking state control of strategic industries such as oil and gas , but allowing foreign investors to take minority stakes 分析师表示,这一结果与政府使石油天然气等战略性产业为国家所控制的目标相一致,但允许外国投资者获得少数股权。