The eighteenth - century england is also known as the age of enlightenment or the age of reason 英国的十八世纪也同时是启蒙主义时代,或曰理性时代。
Strip any company of hierarchy and you are left with nothing but processes - the flow of work 任何企业,如果离开了层级,剩下来的就只有流程了,或曰工作流。
The most important characteristic of chinese is of humanism . third , chinese - teaching materials also presents the cultural character of chinese 汉语最重要的特点就是它的文化性或曰人文性,汉语的人文性主要表现为主体性强,人的因素突出的特别。
The first speaks to the mere discursive understanding ; the second speaks to the higher understanding or reason , but always through the affections of pleasure and sympathy 前者所诉者,人之单纯逻辑悟性也;后者所诉者,终为更高一筹之悟性,或曰理性,然固由愉悦与同感而使然。
中国和或曰本: china andor japan或跃在渊: fire in the hole或圆叶牵牛: pharbitis purpurea voigt或云连: coptis teeta wall或原麝: moschus moschiferus linnaeus或云南独蒜兰: plenione yunnanenisis rolfe或原件: or element或运算: either or; exclusive disjunction; or operation或元件: inclusive-or element; logical or component; or element或运算子: or operator或预先决定: predetermining