- alcoholics anonymous
- 戒酒: stop drinking
- 无名: nameless
- 会: compute
- 戒酒: abstinence; alcohol withdrawal; dry out; on the tack; on the wagon; on the water waggon; on the water wagon; stop drinking; stopping drinking; temperance
- 无名: 1.(没有名称的) nameless 无名死者 nameless dead2.(名字不为人所知的) unknown 无名作者 an unknown author3.(说不出所以然来的) indefinable; indescribable 无名的恐惧 an indefinable feeling of terror4.[穴位] wuming (extra 18); 无名高地 [军事] an unnamed hill; 无名氏 an anonymous person; 无名指 the third finger; ring finger; digitus annularis