我: I; my; me根本: root; radical; basic; fundam ...不理会: inattentive; unmindful; pay ...这些: these小事: trifle; petty thing; minor m ...我根本不相信: that's what you say我根本不在乎: i couldn't care less我根本不认识你: and i hardly know you我根本不愿回答: he asked me some personal questions but i would never answer them我根本不知道那些: that i never knew that at all因为我根本不在意: cause i don't care这些小事他是不会在意的: he won't take such trifles to heart他问了我几个个人问题,我根本不愿回答。: he asked me some personal questions, but i would never answer them不理会: inattentive; unmindful; pay no attention to根本不: anything but; anythingbut; by no means; not at all; not by a long sight; not(no)……at all; not…at all; not……at all从这些小事上你可以想见他的为人: from these trifles you can gather what kind of person he is你何苦在这些小事上伤脑筋: why bother your head about such trifles我不能为我这些小事去惊动他: i can't bother him with my little affairs我不能为这些小事去烦扰他: i can't bother him with my little affairs. feel disturbed annoyance用不着为这些小事争论不休: there is no need to kearguing about such triflings把某人打发开, 根本不理睬某人: give sb the brush-off我根本不把他说的当回事他只是试探试探罢了: i wouldn't take what he said seriously he was only flying a kite不管,不理会: leave…alone不理会的: unheeding不理会地: unheedingly