我: I; my; me和: mix; blend姐姐: elder sister; sister有: 5年 fifteen years相同: identical; the same; alike; ...处: place我们有很多相同之处: we have a lot in common我和我姐姐不同: i am different from my sister. she chose to stay abroad but i will not有很多共同之处: have a lot in common; have much in common有相同之处: bear a resemblancehave sth. In common departmentoffice内含上也有很多相似之处: sohu毫无相同之处: as like as an apple to an oyster与…有相同之处: have sth. in common with两者毫无相同之处: the two have nothing in common我和我: abusin me and usin me不同之处: differences: not so different after all类同之处: resemble resemblance有共同之处: have in common; in scales in scales; provide with share with我姐姐告诉我: my sister told me the performance was not interesting at all有很多: abound; teem我和姐姐: my sister and i共用;有共同之处: in common毫无共同之处: have nothing in common; nothing in common和……有共同之处: have in common with你的不同之处: what makes you different