

  • me against the music


        :    I; my; me
        反对:    oppose; be opposed to; objec ...
        音乐:    music
        我反对:    i object
        绝对音乐:    absolute music
        我反对你的建议:    i objected to your suggestion
        对音乐的爱好:    a love of music ; love of music
        对音乐不感兴趣的:    unmusical
        对音乐有鉴赏力:    ear for music
        培养对音乐的爱好:    cultivate the habit of analysis
        培养对音乐的兴趣:    to foster an interest in music
        我对音乐是外行:    i am no judge of music
        我对音乐一无所知:    i know nothing about music
        对音乐感受灵敏的耳朵:    a quick ear for music
        她对音乐的兴趣逐渐淡薄了:    her interest in music has begun to flag
        她全身心地致力于对音乐的研究。:    she devoted herself entirely to m usic
        反对:    oppose; be opposed to; object to; be against; fight; combat 反对命令主义 struggle against commandism; 反对不正之风 combat unhealthy trends; 反对官僚主义 combat bureaucracy; 反对铺张浪费 combat extravagance and waste; 反对贪污浪费 fight against corruption and waste; 反对偷工减料 struggle against cheating on government contracts; 反对偷税漏税 struggle against tax evasion; 反对违法乱纪 struggle against violations of the law and discipline; 反对行贿 struggle against capitalist bribery of government workers; 反对资产阶级自由化 oppose bourgeois liberalization; 持反对意见 hold opposite opinions; 遭到反对 meet opposition; 有反对意见吗? any objection? 要提倡唯物辩证法, 反对形而上学和烦琐哲学。 promote materialist dialectics and oppose metaphysics and scholasticism.; 反对党 opposition; opposition party; 反对派 opposition faction; 反对票 dissenting vote; negative vote; 反对证书 counterdeed
        自我反省:    search one's heart [conscience]; examine one's own errors; self-examination; introspection; self-reflection
        自我反省, 深思:    soul-searching
        自我反思:    self-reflection
        自我反思性:    self-reflexive
        对音符着色:    change color of selected note/s
        号码核对音:    number check tone
        绝对音调:    absolutc pitch; absolute pitch
        绝对音调器:    apparatus for absolute pitch


  1. "我烦了"英文
  2. "我烦透了"英文
  3. "我烦着呢"英文
  4. "我反对"英文
  5. "我反对你的建议"英文
  6. "我反正有空就你的时间吧make"英文
  7. "我返到屋企"英文
  8. "我犯了错"英文
  9. "我犯了个低级错误"英文
  10. "我犯罪了"英文


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