

发音:   "成败得失"的汉语解释   用"成败得失"造句
  • success and failure, gain and loss
  • 成败:    success or failure 成败机会相等 even odds; 不能以成败论英雄。 don't judge a person by his success or failure
  • 得失:    1.(所得和所失) gain and loss; success and failure 权衡得失 weigh gains and losses; 从不计较个人得失 never give a thought to personal gain or loss2.(利弊) advantages and disadvantages; merits and demerits
  • 得失分:    goal difference
  • 得失论:    gain loss theory; gainloss theoryy
  • 得失说:    gain loss hypothesis; gainloss hypothesiss


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        成败:    success or failure 成败机会相等 even odds; 不能以成败论英雄。 don't judge a person by his success or failure
        得失:    1.(所得和所失) gain and loss; success and failure 权衡得失 weigh gains and losses; 从不计较个人得失 never give a thought to personal gain or loss2.(利弊) advantages and disadvantages; merits and demerits
        得失分:    goal difference
        得失论:    gain loss theory; gainloss theoryy
        得失说:    gain loss hypothesis; gainloss hypothesiss
        不计成败:    not to take success or failure into consideration; be indifferent about success or failure; hit or miss; irrespective of success or failure; in spite of [despite of; in despite of] success or failure; whether to succeed or to fail
        不论成败:    hit or miss; to sink or swim
        成败不计:    not take success or failure into consideration
        成败关头:    crisis
        成败归因:    attribution of success and failure
        成败利钝:    success or failure, sharp or dull -- victory or defeat; success or failure; carrying on smoothly or not smoothly; fair or foul; success or failure, smooth going or rough; whether this will be successful or not ....: 成败利钝在所不计 irrespective of success or failure; 成败利钝尚难逆料。 whether this will be successful or not is still difficult to predict
        成败论人:    judge a person by his success or failure
        成败未卜:    between cup and lip
        成败优势比:    odds ratio
        成败由天:    heaven disposes the success or failure; chance the consequence
        成败与共:    share sb.'s successes and failures
        锅底成败比:    pot odds
        兴衰成败:    wax and wane
        御成败氏目:    goseibai shikimoku
        坐观成败:    sit and watch the result of the battle; be a mere on-looker; look on coldly; sit on the fence; wait to see what will come of another's venture; watch on the sidelines
        不计得失:    no thought of gain
        得失参半:    half gained but half lost; success equals failure
        得失错对:    alternativemix
        得失分率:    goal average
        成败的机会相等:    even odds
        成败的可能性各半:    the chances of success and failure are fifty fifty


        成败得失什么意思:chéng bāi dé shī 【解释】得:得利。失:失利。成功与失败,得到的与丢掉的。 【出处】《三国志·吴书·步骘》:“女配太子,受礼若吊,慷忾之趋,惟笃之物,成败得失,皆如所虑,可谓守道见机,好古之士也。” 【拼音码】cbds 【用法】联合式;作主语、宾语;指成功、失败、得到与失去 【英文】success or failure


  1. "成百万上千万,数以百万计"英文
  2. "成百诠"英文
  3. "成摆线的偏转"英文
  4. "成败"英文
  5. "成败不计"英文
  6. "成败的机会相等"英文
  7. "成败的可能性各半"英文
  8. "成败关头"英文
  9. "成败关系到…,牵涉在内"英文
  10. "成败归因"英文


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