成群: in groups; in large numbers ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...小: small; little; petty; minor鱼: fish成群的: clumped; clustery常成群的: congregative成群的对虾: shoals of prawns成群的蜜蜂: swarms of bees成群的牛羊: flocks and herds均匀成群的: uniform clumped随机成群的: random clumped成群的吸毒者: cuddle puddle煎吃的小鱼。: pan fish鸡鱼科的小鱼: pigfish南美产的小鱼: piranha鲱鱼属的小鱼: sprat类似鳕鱼的小鱼: tomcod银白色圆形的小鱼: dollarfish成群成群的蝗虫毁灭了大片大片的稻田庄稼: hordes of locusts the crops成群: 1.(成批地) in groups; in large numbers2.(组成一群) clustering; ganging; grouping 成群的对虾 shoals of prawns; 成群的蜜蜂 swarms of bees; 成群的牛羊 herds of cattle and sheep; 三五成群 in threes and fours; in small groups; 成群抽样 group sampling; 成群分裂球 [生物学] sets of blastomere; 成群运动 swarming小鱼: dollarfish; fingerling; fry; little fish; small fish; zxzx水母泳钟下的小鱼群: fish under the jellyfish成群的购买圣诞节物品的人: crowds of christmas shoppers成群,大批: in a swarm丛生;成群: clumv. gather into or form a mass