

发音:   用"成年学习"造句
  • adult learning
  • 成年:    grow up; come of age
  • 学习:    study; learn; emulate
  • 青年学习:    estudios de la juventud
  • 成年:    1.(长大; 到达成熟年龄) grow up; come of age 未成年 be under age; 这孩子已经(到了) 成年, 应该自食其力了。 the boy has reached an adult age and ought to be earning his own living.2.(已成熟的; 已成年的) adult; grown-up 成年人 an adult; a grown-up; 这次聚会只许成年人参加。 this meeting is for grown-ups only.3.[口语] (整年) year after year 成年在外 be away all year; 成年材 adult wood; 成年雌(粘)鹿 doe; 成年雌鱼 hen fish; 成年地形 aged topography; 成年发育期 adulthood; 成年服 toga virilis; 成年果园 bearing orchard; 成年洄游 adult migration; 成年男子 man; 成年体重 adult weight; 成年雄性红鹿 stag; 成年枝 ramage
  • 这使得你的国外几年学习的代价太高了:    this would entail several expensive years abroad


        成年:    grow up; come of age
        学习:    study; learn; emulate
        青年学习:    estudios de la juventud
        成年:    1.(长大; 到达成熟年龄) grow up; come of age 未成年 be under age; 这孩子已经(到了) 成年, 应该自食其力了。 the boy has reached an adult age and ought to be earning his own living.2.(已成熟的; 已成年的) adult; grown-up 成年人 an adult; a grown-up; 这次聚会只许成年人参加。 this meeting is for grown-ups only.3.[口语] (整年) year after year 成年在外 be away all year; 成年材 adult wood; 成年雌(粘)鹿 doe; 成年雌鱼 hen fish; 成年地形 aged topography; 成年发育期 adulthood; 成年服 toga virilis; 成年果园 bearing orchard; 成年洄游 adult migration; 成年男子 man; 成年体重 adult weight; 成年雄性红鹿 stag; 成年枝 ramage
        这使得你的国外几年学习的代价太高了:    this would entail several expensive years abroad
        编年学:    chronology
        定年学:    geochronometry
        老年学:    gereology; gerontics; gerontology
        青年学:    hobbledehoy study
        他们得研究主要集中在成年人得学习技能上:    their research focuses mainly on the learning techniques and ability of adults
        成年人,成年的:    adult
        学习:    study; learn; emulate 集中学习 massed learning; 学习某人的榜样 learn from sb.'s example; follow sb.'s example; 学习文化 learn to read and write; 学习雷锋 learning from lei feng; 学习英雄人物活动 activities to learn from heroes; 从生活中学习 learn through living; 学习成绩 academic record; school record; records of studies; 学习动机 academic motivation; motivation of learning; 学习方法 learning method; 学习环境 academic environment; 学习进度表 academic progress check; 学习目的 aim of learning; 学习能力 mentality; learning ability; learning capacity; 学习年限 period of schooling; 学习期限 period of schooling; 学习体会 study notes; 学习委员 comrade in charge of studies; 学习障碍 learning disorder
        当两年学徒:    serve two years as an apprentice/a twoyear apprenticeshipp
        地质编年学。:    geologic chronology; geological chronology
        放射测年学:    radiochronology
        工业老年学:    industry gerontology
        化石定年学:    biochronology
        老年学校:    school for the aged; school for the elderly
        老年学协会:    iag
        老年学学士:    bachelor of science in gerontology
        气候测年学:    climatochronology
        千年学会:    millennium institute the
        青年学友会:    cyac
        全年学校:    all year school
        社会老年学:    social gerontology


  1. "成年型破伤风及白喉类毒素"英文
  2. "成年型糖尿病"英文
  3. "成年雄性红鹿"英文
  4. "成年宣告"英文
  5. "成年宣告,年龄优待制"英文
  6. "成年游泳运动员"英文
  7. "成年有, 有经验的"英文
  8. "成年运动员"英文
  9. "成年在外"英文
  10. "成年早期"英文


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