成对: twinning; pairing刺激: stimulate; excite配对刺激: coupled stimulation对刺激的反应: responses to stimuli对刺激的渴求: craving for stimulus对刺激应答的: sensitive对刺激易反应的: irritable成对: twinning; pairing: (把 ...)配成一对 pair up ...; 与另一只不成对的鞋子 a shoe that doesn't pair up with the other; 会餐后, 男女青年们成对成对地去跳舞。 after dinner the boys and girls paired off and went to the dance敌对刺客陷阱: hostile assassin traps刺激: 1.(推动事物起积极变化) stimulate; excite 刺激神经 excite a nerve; 刺激经济 stimulate the economy; 刺激生产 stimulate production2.(使激动) provoke; irritate; upset 这一不幸的消息给了她很大的刺激。 she was badly upset by the sad news.3.(刺激作用) [生物学] stimulation; [生理学] stimulus; incitation; incitement; paratrimma; paratripsis; fillip [filip]; flash (麻醉品引起的刺激) 成对,一双: pair成对比: in contrast成对床: twin beds成对词: twin words成对的: bigeminal; bigeminate; binate; conjugate; coupled; didymous; duad; gemeled; mated; pair wise; paired; pairwise; twinned成对地: double; in couples; in pairs成对峰: pair peaks成对面: facepair_def成对能: pairing energy成对照: ontrast成对柱: paired column配对, 成对: pairing生成对: generating pair使成对: conjugate; pair(多肉大戟科植物的)对刺类: euphorbia standard strain