

  • succeed in financing billion yuan
  • 成功:    success; succeed; successful
  • 亿:    a hundred million
  • 亿:    数词(一万万) a hundred million
  • 融资:    finance; financing; fund-raising
  • 成功:    1.(获得预期的结果) success; succeed; successful 失败是成功之母。 failure is the mother of success. 这项计划非常成功。 this plan was a great success.最近人们已经成功地把太阳光直接转化为电能。 quite recently man has succeeded in converting sunlight directly into electrical energy.毫无疑问你在科研方面会取得成功?there can be no doubt that you will succeed in your scientific research.这次试航[飞]极为成功。 the trial trip [flight] was wonderfully successful.2.(姓氏) a surname 成功恢 chenggong hui; 成功概率 probability of success; 成功检索曲线 overt retrieval plot; 成功率 mission success rate; success rate


        成功:    success; succeed; successful
        亿:    a hundred million
        亿:    数词(一万万) a hundred million
        融资:    finance; financing; fund-raising
        成功:    1.(获得预期的结果) success; succeed; successful 失败是成功之母。 failure is the mother of success. 这项计划非常成功。 this plan was a great success.最近人们已经成功地把太阳光直接转化为电能。 quite recently man has succeeded in converting sunlight directly into electrical energy.毫无疑问你在科研方面会取得成功?there can be no doubt that you will succeed in your scientific research.这次试航[飞]极为成功。 the trial trip [flight] was wonderfully successful.2.(姓氏) a surname 成功恢 chenggong hui; 成功概率 probability of success; 成功检索曲线 overt retrieval plot; 成功率 mission success rate; success rate
        三年中亏损180亿:    billion losses over years
        11天11夜:    eleven days eleven nights; undici giorni, undici notti
        11月11日:    november 11
        财务;融资:    finance
        后融资:    post-financing; post-funding
        融资,筹措:    finace
        融资处:    financing section
        融资人:    financiers
        投融资:    investment and financing
        先融资:    pre-financing; pre-funding
        再融资:    refinance; refinancing; seos
        展融资:    margin financing
        转融资:    relending facility
        11 bc:    前11年
        11 parthenope:    海妖星; 小行星11
        11-cisretinae:    l1-顺视黄醛
        11-deoxycortisol:    11-脱氧皮质醇,脱氧皮质醇
        11-hydroxyandrosterone:    11-羟雄甾酮
        11-informer:    告密者
        11-ketoetiocholanolone:    11-酮本胆烷醇酮


  1. "成功取得闪存式"英文
  2. "成功去向区"英文
  3. "成功人士的事业规划秘诀"英文
  4. "成功认证"英文
  5. "成功日报"英文
  6. "成功申奥"英文
  7. "成功胜家有限公司"英文
  8. "成功施放"英文
  9. "成功时代广场"英文
  10. "成功实践"英文


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