成功: success; succeed; successful没有: not have; there is not; be w ...电梯: elevator; lift只有: only; alone的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...楼梯: stairs; staircase; stairway一步一个脚印儿: every step leaves its print -- to work steadily and make solid progress.; one step leaves one's footmark人生不是竞赛,而是一步一个脚印的旅程。: life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way有没有一个地方,只有你: there's nowhere - unless you're there你只有一个: only you只有一个: have but one只有一个人: one-man三个脚印: three footprints没有一个, 没有一个人: never a one只有一个地球: only one earth, care and share只有一个哥哥: just one brother只有一个女儿: only one daughter只有一个意思: with only one meaning没有一个: neither one; no-one; none of没有一个人: no one一步一步: step by step一步一步的,: step by step and be versatile一步一步地: a bit at a time; foot by foot; length by length; steadily; step by step一步一步来: one step at a time; steby steand be versatile一步一步爬: crawl 1