戏剧: drama; play; theatre和: mix; blend发展: develop; expand; grow; burge ...学: study; learn戏剧与发展学: ma in theatre and development环境和发展学: msc in environment and development国际关系和发展学: ma in international relations and development studies可恢复自然资源和发展学: msc in renewable natural resources and development美国训练和发展学会: astd = american society for training and development戏剧和电影: drama and cinematics戏剧和故事: plays and stories戏剧和口译: theatre & interpretation戏剧和舞蹈: speech communication theatre and dance发展学: ma in development studies戏剧和歌词选: selected plays and libretti戏剧和通信艺术: theatre & communication arts演讲戏剧和舞蹈: speech communication theatre and dance产品发展学: product development农村发展学: ma in rural development; the science of rural development社会发展学: institute of development studies; ma in social development; social development studies体育发展学: bsc (hons) sports development岩石发展学: petrogeny泛非发展学会: pan african institute for development -- paid; pan african institute for development __ paid管理发展学院: imd; institute for management development国际发展学会: sid; society for international development