The films revolve around the romantic and domestic adventures in the travels of the middle - age protagonist tora 故事以寅次郎为中心,讲这个只爱游山玩水的戆直中年汉的旅途轶事、家事及感情事。
Mr . tsang is the fifth generation master of the wing chun school of martial art . his student fatty is a fallure as a street hawker . who has a friend ; 有徒儿肥春洪金宝饰性情戆直,找钱华乃春之朋友,在莫记钱庄任掌柜,钱庄老板莫
" my motive for cautioning you is as follows . we have reason to imagine that his aunt , lady catherine de bourgh , does not look on the match with a friendly eye . 不佞之所以不揣冒昧,戆直陈词,实因虑及贵人之姨母咖苔琳德包尔夫人对此次联姻之事,万难赞同故耳。
戆直处男: eating out戆直舞男: deuce bigalow戆直削男: the adventures of joe dirt戆星先生: gang xing xian sheng戆头戆脑: rashimpetuousreckless戆男有2性: the hot chick戆子求婚: a dumb proposes marriage戆男接棒人: the benchwarmers戆囡囡: kelvin戆警新人类: corky romano