It is also our wish that the great spirit protect you and fill you with many blessings and that your kind heart , which you have shared with us , will continue to grow 祈愿伟大的圣灵保佑您,让您福杯满溢,并让您慷慨分享的仁心懿德继续嘉惠天下苍生。
As the master of ceremonies recounted , ching hai day falls on february 22 , a day specially selected in 1994 by six midwestern us state governors to express gratitude to master for her long - standing dedication to humanitarian aid , and to praise her unselfish and divine mission to benefit all beings 首先由主持人向大众解说2月22日清海日的由来: 1994年,美国中西部六州州长为感念师父长年致力于人道救援工作,并表彰其大公无私造福生灵的懿德圣怀,特别订定这一天为清海日。
懿: exemplary; good德: virtue; morals; moral charac ...懿德天皇: emperor itoku懿诚: Yi Cheng懿贵妃: empress dowager cixi懿: Ⅰ形容词[书面语]1.(美好) exemplary; good 懿行 exemplary conduct2.(深) deep 懿筐 deep basketⅡ名词(姓氏) a surname 懿诚 yi cheng懿筐: debasket鼙鼓: a small drum used in the army in ancient china懿律: george elliot鼙: 名词(古代军队中用的小鼓) a drum used in the army in ancient china懿麻吕: yoshimaro馨晟水族器材用品: xin sheng aquarium equipments thing