慷慨: vehement; fervent generous; ...施舍: give alms; give in charity的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...施舍的: eleemosynary施舍的爱: djjj club remix施舍的象征: a cup of cold water一杯凉水(施舍的象征): a cuof cold water施舍的食物, 用柴烧的野餐: poke-out他慷慨地施舍给穷人: he gives generously to the poor施舍: give alms; give in charity 靠人施舍度日 live on charity; live on the alms given by others; 每天举行两三次施舍, 为身无分文的饥饿行人供应食物。 food was provided for penniless but hungry travelers at the two or three daily feed-ins. 流浪女士们从不拒绝别人的施舍。 wandering ladies never refuse what is offered慷慨: 1.(意气激昂) vehement; fervent2.(不吝惜) generous; liberal; unselfish; magnanimous 慷慨援助 generous assistance3.(无所畏惧) filled with a noble spirit分发;施舍: hand out请施舍: beg散发;施舍: hand out施舍,赈济。: almsgiving施舍处: soukitchen; soupkitchen施舍品: dole施舍物: awmous施舍者: almsgiver花钱,慷慨: largesse康慨,慷慨: freewith慷慨,高尚: magnanimity慷慨的: bighearted; bounteous; bountiful; freehanded; generals; generous; great-hearted; handsome; large-handed; largehearted; lavish; liberal - parsimonious; munificent; ungrudging; unsparing慷慨地: benevolently; bounteously; bountifully; charitably; generously; handsomely; lavishly; ungrudgingly; with a free hand; with an open hand不舍的依恋: something in your eyes