慈: kind; loving云: say塔: Buddhist pagoda; pagoda云塔: yunta慈云桂: ci yungui慈云山: temple hill; tsz wan shan; tsz wanshan白云塔: the white cloud pagoda积云塔: cumulus tower拉云塔: la yunta云塔克: untak云塔斯: yuntas慈云普护: mercy spreading protection for all慈云山道: tsz wan shan road风火送慈云: tsi wan's farewell in storm and fire白云塔-上集: the white-cloud pagoda Ⅰ白云塔-下集: the white-cloud pagoda Ⅱ西曼云塔: simanjuntak慈云太子走国: prince tsi wan flees his country风火送慈云-下集: taoist wind and fire escorts crown prince chi-wan, part two慈云山十三太保: those were the days荒江女侠血溅飞云塔: how fong kong heroine got into a bloody fight on flying cloud pagoda马尔西拉姆西曼云塔: marsilam simanjuntak光碟原由新加坡慈云音乐中心: ciyun music &art centre中华锡安传道会慈云山锡安青年中心: chinese evangelical zion church limited tze wan shan zion youth centre慈运理: huldrych zwingli慈照寺: ginkaku-ji