感: feel; sense温: warm; lukewarm; hot; gentle; ...火灾: fire; conflagration探测: survey; search; sound; probe ...装置: installation; device; appara ...感温式火灾探测装置: had = heat-actuated device感温火灾探测器: heat fire detector火灾探测装置: fire detecting arrangement; fire detection apparatus; fire detection device; fire detection unit; fire detector unit点型感温火灾探测器: point type heat fire detector感温火灾探测器响应: thermal fire detector re o e; thermal fire detector response气压感温火灾探测器: air pressure heat detector双金属感温火灾探测器: bimetallic striheat detector电子式火灾探测装置: electronic fire detection device点型感温火灾探测器技术要求及试验方法: technical requirements and test methods for heat sensitive point type fire detectors线型感温火灾探测器技术要求及试验方法: technical requirements and test methods for line type heat detectors感温式火灾探测器: heat fire detector ,thermal detector极早期报警感烟火灾探测装置: very early warning smoke detection apparatus; veryearlywarningsmokedetectiona aratus玻璃球定温火灾探测器: bulb-type fixed temperature detector热电偶定温火灾探测器: fixed temperature detector using thermocouple热敏电阻定温火灾探测器: fixed temperature detector with heat se itive resistance; fixed temperature detector with heat sensitive resistance; fixedtemperaturedetectorwithheatse itiveresistance双金属差温火灾探测器: bimetal strip-type rate-of-rise detector双金属定温火灾探测器: bimetal strip-type fixed temperature detector; fixed temperature detector using timetable strips易熔合金定温火灾探测器: fixed temperature detector using fusible alloy热敏电阻式定温火灾探测器: thermistor type fixed-temperature fire detector火灾探测: fire detection