- the foolish goblin
- 愚蠢: stupid; foolish; silly
- 的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 妖精: evil spirit; demon
- 愚蠢的: apish; asinine; babyish; bat-blinded; bat-eyed; besotted; blockish; bubble-brained; chuckleheaded; clueless; daft - judicious; dense; doltish; dull-witted; dumb; featherbrained; folly; fool --- foolish; fool---foolish; frivolous; goosey; heavy-headed; hebetate; idiotic; inane; insane; insipient; left-witted; lunatic; mad; pigheaded; pinheaded; puddingheaded; scatty; senseless; silly; soft-witted; softheaded; sottish; stammer; stupid; thickheaded; timberheaded; unwise; vacuous - intelligent; woodenheaded
- 拔牙齿的妖精: tooth fairy