意义: meaning; sense; purport学习: study; learn; emulate论: The Analects of Confucius意义学习: meaningful learning; significant learning有意义学习: meaningful learning罗杰斯意义学习说: rogers theory of learning on meaning发现学习论: discovery learning theory符号学习论: sign learning theory联想学习论: association theory of learning社会学习论: social cognitive theory; social learning theory时近学习论: contiguity theory of learning学习论坛: tribune of study二历程学习论: two process learning theory非连续学习论: discontinuity theory of learning连续性学习论: continuity theory of learning英语学习论坛: learning english要义学习: substance learning非连贯性学习论: noncontinuity theory of learning加涅的累积学习论: s accumulative learning theory社区英语学习论坛或者: tigtag性别特征的社会学习论: social learning theory of *** typing; social learning theory of sex typing行为主义学习理论: behaviorist learning theory意义接受学习: meaningful reception learning义学: [旧时用语] private or community-run schools charging no tuition; free school无意义音节学习: nonsense syllable learning