And he too passed on with the waggon . then came some hilarious soldiers , who had unmistakably been drinking 有几名士兵现出愉快的神情,看起来像是喝过一顿酒,他们跟在这个士兵后面走去。
The new convenient method practitioners glowed with satisfaction upon leaving the hall , knowing that they could meet again for regular group meditation sessions at a local sister s house 当这些修方便法的新同修得知日后可以到一位师姊家共修后,在离去时都洋溢着满足愉快的神情。
The faces of the soldiers and officers lightened up at the sound . every one got up and busily watched the movements of our troops below , which could be seen as in the hollow of a hand , and the movements of the advancing enemy 在这隆隆的炮声中,官兵们脸上都流露着愉快的神情全体都站立起来,观察那了若指掌的山下我军的动态,观察那逐渐靠近的敌军的动态。