

  • supposition


        想象:    imagine; fancy; visualize; c ...
        推测:    infer; conjecture; guess; re ...
        假定:    A等于B. Suppose A equals B.
        假定,推测:    presume; presuppose
        想象,推测,设想:    imagine
        假定的, 推测的:    presumed
        推测:    infer; conjecture; guess; reckoning 推测后果 calculate the effect; 从效果推测动机 infer a motive from an effect; 根据推测 by inference; 不过是推测而已 mere guesswork; nothing but conjecture
        想象:    1.(设想) imagine; fancy; visualize; conceive of; dream; think 想象不到的困难 unimaginable difficulties; 难以想象 hard to imagine; 我甚至不能想象 ... i cannot even entertain the supposition that ...; 我不能想象这种事会再发生。 i cannot conceive of such a thing happening again.2.[心] imagination; 想象力 fancy; imaginative power; imaginative faculty; imagination; vision
        假定:    1.(姑且认定) suppose; assume; grant; presume; fiction; let; on the supposition (of); on the supposition that 假定 a等于b。 suppose a equals b. 让我们假定另外有一个具有和地球上相似条件的行星。 let us suppose another planet with conditions similar to those on the earth. 假定这是真的 ...。 assuming this to be true ...; 在未听到对他不利的证言之前, 你假定他是无罪的。 you assume his innocence before hearing the evidence against him.2.(科学上的假设, 从前也叫假定) hypothesis 新的发现已证明那个假定是无根据的。 the new discoveries have falsified that hypothesis.3.[数学] assumption; postulation; presumption; 假定成本 assumed cost; hypothetical cost; 假定负债 nominal liability; 假定利息 assumed interest; hypothetical interest; 假定载荷 assumed load; 假定值 assumed value; assumption value; 假定指令 presumptive instruction
        想象;想象力:    imagination
        想象;想象力;空想:    imagination n
        猜想,推测:    suppose
        从…推测:    gather from
        怀疑,推测:    su ect
        假设,推测:    presumption
        据推测:    it is conjectured that
        考虑, 推测:    speculate on
        设想,推测:    suppose
        思索,推测:    speculate
        推测, 猜测:    guess work
        推测,猜测:    speculate v. guess
        推测,以为:    guess
        推测出:    dope out
        推测的:    conjectural; hypothetical; presumptive; speculative; suppositional; tentative
        推测地:    stochastically


  1. "想象,看作"英文
  2. "想象,考虑"英文
  3. "想象,设想;料想"英文
  4. "想象,推测,设想"英文
  5. "想象;构想"英文
  6. "想象;想象力"英文
  7. "想象;想象力;空想"英文
  8. "想象办法吧"英文
  9. "想象被虐狂"英文
  10. "想象表象"英文


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