惊险: alarmingly dangerous; breath ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...浪漫: romantic惊险的: adventruous; breathtaking惊险的表演: breathtaking performance惊险的场面: thrilling scene惊险的早上: an adventurous morning爱的浪漫史: luster彩虹的浪漫: gift ~eternal rainbow~残酷的浪漫: nekromantik困惑的浪漫: nekro mantik2; nekromantik困惑的浪漫2: nekromantik 2困惑的浪漫i: nekromantik困惑的浪漫ii: nekromantik 2沙滩上的浪漫: romance on the beach星空下的浪漫: romance under the star night因为它的浪漫,: because it is so romantic惊险的经济发展: breakneck economic development打了对折的浪漫: only half romantic德国的浪漫之路: romantic road金口哨-吹来的浪漫: romantic feeling form whistle老爸老妈的浪漫史: how i met your mother 111; how i met your mother season1玫瑰花的浪漫史: the romaunt of the rose淑女的浪漫满屋: shinhwa forever我是你的浪漫魂: i could be your romantic soul