

发音:   用"情绪感染"造句
  • emotional appeal
  • emotional contagion
  • 情绪:    mood; sentiments; morale; fe ...
  • 感染:    infect; be infected with; in ...
  • 情绪感情:    emotion
  • 这些情绪感受:    to feel these feelings
  • 情绪:    1.(心理状态) mood; sentiments; morale; feeling 对立情绪 antagonistic sentiments; 急躁情绪 rashness; 使人情绪低落 cast a gloom over sb.; 安定某人情绪 set a person at ease; 考虑群众的情绪 consult feelings of the masses; 战斗情绪 a militant mood; 情绪不高 be in low spirits; 情绪高涨 be in high spirits; be in high feather; 情绪激昂 high in morale; in great emotional excitement; in high spirits; 情绪极佳 in royal spirits; 她很少表露自己的情绪。 she seldom showed her feelings. 没有时间闹情绪。 there is no time for sentiment.2.(不愉快的情感) depression; moodiness; sulks 闹情绪 be in a fit of depression; be in low spirits; have a fit of the sulks; 有点儿情绪 rather sulky; 他对她有不满情绪。 he still bore a grudge against her. 我对他没有任何怨恨情绪。 i bear him no grudge.3.[心理学] emotion 情绪忽高忽低。 emotion swells and subsides.; 情绪不良 dysthymia; 情绪不稳定 emotional instability; 情绪反应 emotional reactions; emotional response; 情绪改变 mood change; 情绪紧张 emotional stress; unease; 情绪因素 emotional factor; 情绪障碍 emotional disorder; affective disturbance


  1. His pessimism has the effect of depressing everyone
  2. Think back to your favorite movies and remember the mood that the lighting or camera angles created
  3. Interestingly those who scored highly for charisma and in the questionnaire on emotional contagion were those that also did well in the competition , said professor wiseman
    “有趣的是,那些在魅力程度和情绪感染测试表上得分高的人,也就是那些在比赛中表现优秀的人, ”威斯曼教授说道。
  4. Conclusion : thorough know patients condition , provide good mental cares , keep comfortable environment , pay attention to safe nursing and exert the effect of patients ' social support system and impose nurses ' emotion to infect patients to promote patients recover
  5. A study of over 200 of those taking part in famelabtm , a uk competition to discover the new public faces of science - revealed that those presenters identified as being very charismatic by the judges obtained high scores on a questionnaire measuring emotional contagion - the ability to infect others with your own emotional state
    一项对200多个参加英国famelabtm比赛(该比赛的目的是发现科学新人)的参赛者的研究表明:那些被认为具有非常魅力的人,在测评情感感染力的问卷中都得到很高的分数- - - -表面这些人具备用自己的情绪感染其他人的能力。


        情绪:    mood; sentiments; morale; fe ...
        感染:    infect; be infected with; in ...
        情绪感情:    emotion
        这些情绪感受:    to feel these feelings
        情绪:    1.(心理状态) mood; sentiments; morale; feeling 对立情绪 antagonistic sentiments; 急躁情绪 rashness; 使人情绪低落 cast a gloom over sb.; 安定某人情绪 set a person at ease; 考虑群众的情绪 consult feelings of the masses; 战斗情绪 a militant mood; 情绪不高 be in low spirits; 情绪高涨 be in high spirits; be in high feather; 情绪激昂 high in morale; in great emotional excitement; in high spirits; 情绪极佳 in royal spirits; 她很少表露自己的情绪。 she seldom showed her feelings. 没有时间闹情绪。 there is no time for sentiment.2.(不愉快的情感) depression; moodiness; sulks 闹情绪 be in a fit of depression; be in low spirits; have a fit of the sulks; 有点儿情绪 rather sulky; 他对她有不满情绪。 he still bore a grudge against her. 我对他没有任何怨恨情绪。 i bear him no grudge.3.[心理学] emotion 情绪忽高忽低。 emotion swells and subsides.; 情绪不良 dysthymia; 情绪不稳定 emotional instability; 情绪反应 emotional reactions; emotional response; 情绪改变 mood change; 情绪紧张 emotional stress; unease; 情绪因素 emotional factor; 情绪障碍 emotional disorder; affective disturbance
        感染:    1.(受到传染) infect; be infected with; infection 轻度感染 light infection; 手术后感染 postoperative infection; 细菌感染 bacterial infection; 防止再感染 avoid reinfection2.(引起相同的思想感情) influence; infect; affect 艺术感染力 artistic appeal; 他的笑声感染了全班同学。 she infected the whole class with her laughter.; 感染率 infection rate; 感染梅毒 syphilization; 感染疟疾 ague; 感染期 infection period; infection stage; 感染源 source of infection
        (情绪)隔离:    isolation (of affect)
        感觉;情绪:    feeling
        闹情绪:    be disgruntled; be in low spirits
        情绪,脾气:    temper
        情绪;激情:    emotion
        情绪病:    emotional illness; mood disorder
        情绪的:    emotional; emotive
        情绪好:    in a good humour
        情绪化:    emotional; sentimental
        情绪坏:    in the bad mood
        情绪论:    emotionalism
        情绪术:    emotion
        情绪吻:    emo kissing
        情绪性:    emotionality
        心情,情绪:    mood
        情绪紊乱;情绪困扰:    emotionally disturbed
        情绪障碍,情绪紊乱:    mood disturbance
        悲观情绪:    pessimism
        不良情绪:    harmful feelings


  1. "情绪方面的口头语"英文
  2. "情绪风暴"英文
  3. "情绪负荷"英文
  4. "情绪改变"英文
  5. "情绪感情"英文
  6. "情绪高昂"英文
  7. "情绪高昂,有抱负"英文
  8. "情绪高涨"英文
  9. "情绪高涨, 兴高采烈"英文
  10. "情绪高涨的"英文


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