

发音:   用"情绪不好"造句


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  1. "are you gloomy?" she asked him .
  2. The long, hot summer had left me out of health, out of spirits .
  3. She didn ' t mean to offend you ; she was overwrought
  4. Bad mood ' cause you blew the physics test
    情绪不好,是不是因为物理测验考砸了? ?
  5. What ' s eating you , tom ? gosh , you look upset


        情绪:    mood; sentiments; morale; fe ...
        从早晨起来就情绪不好:    no.to get out of bed on the wrong side
        一早起床就情绪不好:    get out of bed on the wrong side
        情绪不成熟:    emotional immaturity; immaturity of emotion
        情绪不定地:    moodily
        情绪不高:    feel low
        情绪不佳:    be in a bad mood
        情绪不良:    dysthymia
        情绪不稳:    emotional lability; unstable moods
        情绪不稳定:    emotinal instability; emotional instability
        心绪不好, 闹脾气:    get out of bed on the wrong side
        赛期情绪不安:    stage fever
        可以表示人的情绪不佳:    b. gray
        器质性情绪不稳定障碍:    organic emotionally labile asthenic disorder; organic emotionally labile disorder
        在情绪不稳定的情况下:    in circumstance of unstable moods
        情绪不稳定性性格障碍,情感不稳性疾患:    emotionally unstable character disorder
        一整天情绪都不好;气不顺:    get uon the wrong side of the bed
        不好:    badly; no good; unsatisfactory
        情绪:    1.(心理状态) mood; sentiments; morale; feeling 对立情绪 antagonistic sentiments; 急躁情绪 rashness; 使人情绪低落 cast a gloom over sb.; 安定某人情绪 set a person at ease; 考虑群众的情绪 consult feelings of the masses; 战斗情绪 a militant mood; 情绪不高 be in low spirits; 情绪高涨 be in high spirits; be in high feather; 情绪激昂 high in morale; in great emotional excitement; in high spirits; 情绪极佳 in royal spirits; 她很少表露自己的情绪。 she seldom showed her feelings. 没有时间闹情绪。 there is no time for sentiment.2.(不愉快的情感) depression; moodiness; sulks 闹情绪 be in a fit of depression; be in low spirits; have a fit of the sulks; 有点儿情绪 rather sulky; 他对她有不满情绪。 he still bore a grudge against her. 我对他没有任何怨恨情绪。 i bear him no grudge.3.[心理学] emotion 情绪忽高忽低。 emotion swells and subsides.; 情绪不良 dysthymia; 情绪不稳定 emotional instability; 情绪反应 emotional reactions; emotional response; 情绪改变 mood change; 情绪紧张 emotional stress; unease; 情绪因素 emotional factor; 情绪障碍 emotional disorder; affective disturbance
        思绪不宁:    feel perturbed
        心绪不定的:    double-minded
        心绪不佳:    out of sorts; with one's wrong foot foremost
        心绪不理想:    feelblue
        心绪不宁:    one's state of mind is not at ease.; be off one's balance; have a feeling of vexation; in a disturbed state of mind; in a flutter; in a state of agitation 使某人心绪不宁 unsettle a person's mind
        心绪不宁be:    in a state of agitation taskcauseundertaking



  1. "情绪病"英文
  2. "情绪波动"英文
  3. "情绪不成熟"英文
  4. "情绪不定地"英文
  5. "情绪不高"英文
  6. "情绪不佳"英文
  7. "情绪不良"英文
  8. "情绪不稳"英文
  9. "情绪不稳定"英文
  10. "情绪不稳定性性格障碍,情感不稳性疾患"英文


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