情: feeling; affection; sentimen ...系: system; series尼: Buddhist nun售情系: point of sale罗尼: looney tunes back in action; rogny; rohny; roney; ronnie; ronny; rony; rowney; rowny; ruoni; the ronin情系半生: deep love of my life; love is a half a lifetime情系地中海: quadro nuevo情系杜鲁福: francois truffaut情系故乡: deeply impressed情系河西: sentiment lingering on the west bank情系七夕: chinese valentine's day comes情系人民: always be with the people情系三晋: shanxi情系我心: the power of one; the truth about jane情系屋檐下: life as a house情系夏威夷: north shore情系中国: my china动态表情系统: action emote内稍果蝇系罗达病毒: endogenous drosophila line nodavirus内生性果蝇系罗达簿: endogenous drosophila line nodavirus阿罗尼: aroni; arony; arroni埃罗尼: eroni奥罗尼: oroni巴罗尼: barone simone; baronie; baronnies; simone barone保罗尼: paoloni