情人: lover; sweetheart保: defend; protect镳: bit我的男人保镳: el senor es mi pastor情人保镖: someone to watch over me保镳: instinct to kill人保: life insurance; picc好保镳: right guard保镳犬大b: bombon el perro七刃保镳: the 7blades bouncer强盗保镳: a perfect world情圣保镳: my father the hero; my father, the hero威龙女保镳: hard knox一蚊鸡保镳: fighting to survive终极保镳: i will always love you; the bodyguard尊革保镳: zungar bodyguard巅峰保镳: beyond fear情人的情人: lover’s lover第一夫人的保镳: guarding tess病人保浸务: patient care service承运人保险: carrier's insurance个人保健: personal healthcare个人保健卡: personal health card个人保险: personal insurance个人保险单: individual insurance policy