

[ bēiqièqiè ] 发音:   "悲切切"的汉语解释   用"悲切切"造句
  • grievous
  • 悲切:    mournful; moanful
  • :    correspond to; be close to
  • 悲悲切切:    full of grief; sad and touching
  • 悲切:    [书面语] mournful; moanful
  • 切切:    1.(千万; 务必) be absolutely sure to 切切不可过份 be sure not go too far; 切切不可骄傲。 be sure not to become conceited.2.(用于布告、条令等末尾, 表示叮咛) 切切如令。 this order is to be strictly observed.3.(恳切; 迫切) earnestly; imperatively 切切请求 earnestly request


  1. I sat and thought a doleful time : the clock struck eight , and nine , and still my companion paced to and fro , his head bent on his breast , and perfectly silent , unless a groan or a bitter ejaculation forced itself out at intervals
  2. Then away out in the woods i heard that kind of a sound that a ghost makes when it wants to tell about something that s on its mind and can t make itself understood , and so can t rest easy in its grave , and has to go about that way every night grieving
  3. Passepartout jumped off the box and followed his master , who , after paying the cabman , was about to enter the station , when a poor beggar - woman , with a child in her arms , her naked feet smeared with mud , her head covered with a wretched bonnet , from which hung a tattered feather , and her shoulders shrouded in a ragged shawl , approached , and mournfully asked for alms



        悲切切的俄语:pinyin:bēiqièqiè скорбный, печальный
        悲切切什么意思:悲哀貌。    ▶ 元 关汉卿 《裴度还带》第三摺: “我见他迷溜没乱心痒难揉, 悲切切雨泪嚎啕。”    ▶ 《儿女英雄传》第二十回: “那少妇便拉了 褚大娘子 ……悲切切, 叫了声: ‘姐姐!你想得我好苦。 ’”


  1. "悲鸣著说"英文
  2. "悲戚"英文
  3. "悲泣"英文
  4. "悲泣的人类呢"英文
  5. "悲切"英文
  6. "悲情"英文
  7. "悲情布鲁克"英文
  8. "悲情城市"英文
  9. "悲情第一章"英文
  10. "悲情都市之毒海孝子"英文


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