您: you要: important; essential剪发: hairdressing吗: what您要护发吗: would you like a conditioner您要染发吗: would you like a hair colored您要烫发吗: would you like a perm剪发,理发: have a haircut他剪发: may我要剪短发: i want my hair cut short凹圆剪发型: squeeze cut电气剪发器: electric hair clipper; electrichaircli er极速剪发: quick cuts剪(羊毛),剪发: shear剪发400元: it's four hundred nt dollars for a haircut剪发与洗发: getting haircuts & shampoos外部剪发: over-cut羽毛式剪发: feathercut请不要剪太短: please don't cut it too short我需要剪头发: i need a haircut您要车吗: do you want a taxi您要吹风吗: would you like a blowdry您要点菜吗: can i take your order您要会说: of course you can pay by check您要买什么: lesson 57can i help you madamm