悄悄: quietly; whisper; on the qui ...地: the earth拿: hold; take走: walk; go悄悄地: gently; quietly; softly; stealthily静悄悄地: soundle ly; soundlessly悄悄地捕猎: still hunt悄悄地移动: move quietly悄悄地走: steal静悄悄地,平稳地: quietly悄悄地溜出去: sliout他们悄悄地说: he whisperd不动声色地, 悄悄地: without noise慢慢地,悄悄地爬着走: creep悄悄地呈现, 渐渐弥漫: steal over悄悄地推开后门: push the back door quietly悄悄地向某人爬去: creeuon sb时间悄悄地过去了: time is slipping by岁月悄悄地过去: the years stole by匍匐前进;悄悄地移动: creep猎人们悄悄地追捕那头鹿: huntsmen chased the deer silently悄悄地爱过你这么多年,: i have loved you quietly for so many a year悄悄地或匆匆地离开: off leave secretly or in a hurry他压低了声音悄悄地说话: he lowered his voice to a whisper她对他悄悄地说了些什么: she whispered sth. in his ear. without being noticed