- fetid sputm
- 恶臭: stink; fetor; foetor; cacosm ...
- 痰: phlegm; sputum
- 恶臭痰,臭痰: fetid sputum
- 臭痰: fetid sputum
- 恶臭: stink; fetor; foetor; cacosmia; stench; foul smell; offensive smell [odor]: 那些脏袜子把房间搞得恶臭。 those old socks are really smelling the room out. 那些臭蛋把这个地方弄得恶臭。 those rotten eggs have stunk the place.◇恶臭幻觉 kakosmia; cacosmia; 恶臭金盏草 fetidmarigold; 恶臭物 malodorant; 恶臭物质 odorant; malodorous substance; 恶臭旋复花 sinkwort