Wearing a naval uniform with a dirk , and holding his forage cap under his arm , he handed the commander - in - chief the military report and the keys of the town 奇恰戈夫身着海军文官制服,腰佩短剑,腋下夹着帽子,递给库图佐夫一份战例报告和城门的钥匙。
In conversation with tchitchagov , kutuzov happened to say that his carriages , packed with china , that had been carried off by the enemy at borisovo , had been recovered unhurt , and would be restored to him 在同奇恰戈夫的谈话中,库图佐夫顺便告诉他,他在博里索夫被抢走的那几车器皿,已经夺回来了,就要还给他。
The contemptuously respectful attitude of youth to old age in its dotage was expressed in the most marked manner in all the behaviour of tchitchagov , who was aware of the disfavour into which kutuzov had fallen 奇恰戈夫已经得悉库图佐夫受到了谴责,在一切言谈举止上充分表现出一个年轻人对一个昏庸老者那种貌似恭敬的轻蔑态度。
History what passes by that name answers these questions by saying that that came to pass because kutuzov , and tormasov , and tchitchagov , and this general and that failed to carry out certain manuvres . but why did they fail to carry them out 历史所谓的历史在回答这些问题时说,发生这种情况,是因为库图佐夫托尔马索夫奇恰戈夫,以及某某人,某某人,他们没有执行这样的或那样的策略。
Tchitchagov was one of the generals most zealous in advocating attack and cutting off the enemys retreat ; he had at first suggested making a diversion in greece and then in warsaw , but was never willing to go where he was commanded to go . tchitchagov , who was notorious for the boldness of his remarks to the tsar , considered kutuzov was under an obligation to him , because when he had been sent in 1811 to conclude peace with turkey over kutuzovs head , and found on arriving that peace had already been concluded , he had frankly admitted to the tsar that the credit of having concluded peace belonged to kutuzov . this tchitchagov was the first to meet kutuzov at vilna , at the castles where the latter was to stay 奇恰戈夫一个最热衷于切断和击溃战术的人,奇恰戈夫,他最先要到希腊然后要到华沙进行佯攻,然而无论如何都不去派他去的地方,奇恰戈夫,他以敢于向皇上进言而闻名的人,奇恰戈夫,他自以为库图佐夫受过他的好处,这是因为在一八一一年他被派去与土耳其媾和,他背着库图佐夫,当他确信,和约已经缔结,于是在皇上面前承认,缔结和约的功劳属于库图佐夫就是这一位奇恰戈夫第一个在维尔纳库图佐夫将进驻的城堡门前迎接他。