Michael owen reckons his real madrid team - mate fernando morientes could be the man to solve liverpool ' s striking problems 欧文认为他的皇马队友莫里恩特斯能解红军的锋线之急。
Mexico ( afp ) - spanish championship side villarreal signed experienced argentine defender fabricio fuentes from mexican outfit atlas de guadalajara 西班牙劲旅比利亚雷亚从墨西哥的瓜达拉哈拉签来了阿根廷后卫法布里希奥?弗恩特斯。
Ra l , fernando morientes , david silva , and alberto zapater were all on hand for an event organised by adidas , but the captain of real madrid still had time to talk to realmadrid . com 劳尔,费尔南多-莫里恩特斯,大卫-席尔瓦以及阿尔伯托-萨帕特尔均出席了阿迪达斯举办的这项活动.皇马队长劳尔抽出了时间,接受皇马官网的访谈
The purpose of carlos fuentes is to attribute meaning , sense and space to time , and indicate its spiral development , which means that today is continuation of yesterday and also the prelude of tomorrow 富恩特斯试图在小说中赋予时间以意义、感觉和空间,表现了时间螺旋式上升的过程? ?现在包含着过去的影子,又是将来的前奏。