恩典: favour; grace; kindness; gra ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...国度: country; state; nation恩典的格式塔: gestalt of grace有特别恩典的: poppy残酷的国度: harsh realm荣耀的国度: kingdom of glory上帝的国度: god's country永恒的国度: everlasting被遗忘的国度: forgotten realms献给你的国度: for your kingdom勇敢者的国度: home of the brave上帝的国度(电视剧集): god's country在幻想的国度里: ali au pays des mirages恩典: favour; grace; kindness; grand special favour; benevolence去了一个遥远的国度: sent him off to a far foreign land让我永远留在你的国度: to keeme in your state生活在美好真实的国度里: be living in the kingdom of the good and true为了水深火热的国度: for the kingdom of fire and ice一个疑病症患者的国度: a nation of hypochondriacs电影第六集:未知的国度(迈入未来): startrek米诺陶斯的国度米珊德拉斯: mithandrus我要去一个遥远的国度,去寻觅一片土地: i′m going to a foreign nation to purchase a plantation恩典,慈悲: grace恩典堂: grace assembly of god