Ⅰ动词 1.(不计较别人的过错;原谅) forgive ; pardon; excuse 短语和例子 宽恕 forgive2.(客套话, 请对方不要计较) excuse me; beg your pardon 短语和例子 恕我冒昧提出这些问题。 excuse me for my abrupt questions.Ⅱ名词 (用自己善良的心推想别人的心) forbearance (as advocated by confucius)
恕不出售: not for sale漱字吸收器: digit absorber恕不出售 英语作文网: not for sale漱液: gargarism恕不出售(非卖品): not for sale漱药: mouth wash恕不奉陪: i'm sorry but i cannot keep you company.; excuse me for not keeping you company.; sorry, i won't be able to keep you company漱洗既毕: having performed one's ablutions恕不负责: at your own risk漱洗: wash