

  • constant voltage system
  • :    permanent; lasting
  • 压制:    suppress; stifle; inhibit; r ...
  • 恒压:    [电学] constant voltage◇恒压变压器 constant-voltage transformer; 恒压电池 constant cell; 恒压电源 constant-voltage source; 恒压器 barostat;manostat
  • 压制:    1.(强力限制) suppress; stifle; inhibit; repress 压制合理化建议 smother reasonable suggestions; 压制群众的意见 stifle the opinions of the masses; 压制批评 suppress [muzzle] criticism; 压制火力 [军事] subjugate fire; 压制新生力量 hold back new rising forces2.[机械工程] (用压的方法制造) pressing; calendering; 压制板 pressboard; 压制玻璃 [材料] pressed glass; 压制唱片 pressing; 压制成型 compression moulding; 压制钢板 pressed-steel plate; 压制射击 controlled shooting
  • 恒压,等压:    constant pressure


        :    permanent; lasting
        压制:    suppress; stifle; inhibit; r ...
        恒压:    [电学] constant voltage◇恒压变压器 constant-voltage transformer; 恒压电池 constant cell; 恒压电源 constant-voltage source; 恒压器 barostat;manostat
        压制:    1.(强力限制) suppress; stifle; inhibit; repress 压制合理化建议 smother reasonable suggestions; 压制群众的意见 stifle the opinions of the masses; 压制批评 suppress [muzzle] criticism; 压制火力 [军事] subjugate fire; 压制新生力量 hold back new rising forces2.[机械工程] (用压的方法制造) pressing; calendering; 压制板 pressboard; 压制玻璃 [材料] pressed glass; 压制唱片 pressing; 压制成型 compression moulding; 压制钢板 pressed-steel plate; 压制射击 controlled shooting
        恒压,等压:    constant pressure
        恒压泵:    constant pressure pump; constant-pressure pump
        恒压舱:    isobaric chamber
        恒压池:    constant pressure tank
        恒压的:    isobarically
        恒压点:    constant pressure point
        恒压阀:    co tant pre ure valve; constant pressure valve
        恒压法:    constant voltage method
        恒压降:    constant pressure drop
        恒压力:    cp
        恒压面:    constant pressure surface
        恒压器:    barostat; manostat; pre ostat; pressostat
        恒压区:    areas of permanent pressure
        恒压热:    heat at constant pressure
        恒压源:    constant pressure source; constantvoltage source; steady voltage source
        保持恒压:    keethe pressure constant
        差动恒压器:    diff pressostat
        恒压比热:    ecific heat at co tant pre ure; isopiestic ecific heat; isopiestic specific heat; specific heat at constant pressure
        恒压变流器:    constant-voltage transformer
        恒压变压器:    co tant voltage tra former; constant voltage transformator; constant voltage transformer; constant-voltage transformer; cvt constantvoltage transformer
        恒压充电:    constant potential charge; constant voltage charge; constant-potential charge; constant-voltage charge; constant-voltage charging


  1. "恒压增压供氧"英文
  2. "恒压增压式氧气设备"英文
  3. "恒压整流器"英文
  4. "恒压直流电源"英文
  5. "恒压直流辅助电动机"英文
  6. "恒压重量变化测定"英文
  7. "恒压装置"英文
  8. "恒压装置,稳压器"英文
  9. "恒压状态"英文
  10. "恒芽肛"英文


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