

  • railroadphobia
  • :    fear; dread; be afraid
  • 火车:    train
  • :    disease; illness
  • 恐火症:    pyrophobia
  • 火车:    train 乘火车 go by train; 火车车厢 railway carriage; railroad car; setout; 火车渡轮[轮渡] train ferry; 火车机车 (railway) engine; locomotive; 火车票 railway ticket; 火车上交货价 free on rail; f.o.b. train; 火车时刻表 railway timetable; train schedule; 火车司机 engine driver; (locomotive) engineer; engineman; hogger; runner; 火车司炉 bakehead [俚语]; 火车头 engine; locomotive; iron horse; [俚语] pig; 火车卧铺铺位couchette; 火车站 railway station; 火车站台 station platform


        :    fear; dread; be afraid
        火车:    train
        :    disease; illness
        恐火症:    pyrophobia
        火车:    train 乘火车 go by train; 火车车厢 railway carriage; railroad car; setout; 火车渡轮[轮渡] train ferry; 火车机车 (railway) engine; locomotive; 火车票 railway ticket; 火车上交货价 free on rail; f.o.b. train; 火车时刻表 railway timetable; train schedule; 火车司机 engine driver; (locomotive) engineer; engineman; hogger; runner; 火车司炉 bakehead [俚语]; 火车头 engine; locomotive; iron horse; [俚语] pig; 火车卧铺铺位couchette; 火车站 railway station; 火车站台 station platform
        (火车)离站:    pull out
        猜火车:    01-born slippy; 08-born slippy; money train; pmpavc; trainspotting; transpotting
        乘火车:    entrain; going by train; take the train; take train; taking a train; travel by train
        搭火车:    i get on a train
        大火车:    astrotrain
        等火车:    wait for the train
        点火车:    ignition car
        赶火车:    catch the train
        火车道:    track
        火车轮:    railway wheel and tyre mill
        火车票:    d125; k157; pasteboard; rail ticket; train ticket
        火车桥:    railway bridge
        火车头:    eimreidin; engine; iron horse; la maquinita; locomotive; thomas &friends
        火车栅:    level cro ing; level crossing
        火车站:    central station; hauptbahnhof; railroad station; railway depot; railway station; temple meads station; train station
        救火车:    fire apparatus; fire brigade wagon; fire trucks; motor fire brigade vehicle; motor fire engine; pumping engine; water engine
        开火车:    diver train; driving a train; hdv
        灭火车:    fire engine
        木火车:    wooden train
        上火车:    entrain for somewhere


  1. "恐慌在迪斯科乐队"英文
  2. "恐慌症"英文
  3. "恐慌症的发作可能延续几分钟或几小时"英文
  4. "恐皇舆之败绩"英文
  5. "恐毁灭症"英文
  6. "恐火症"英文
  7. "恐畸形症"英文
  8. "恐嫉妒而折之"英文
  9. "恐甲兽"英文
  10. "恐见人症"英文


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