恐怕: I'm afraid; fear是: Semantics老外: a raw hand; a layman foreign ...看电影: see a film; go to the movies时: shí]经常: day-to-day; everyday; daily吃: eat; take; make的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...零食: between-meal nibbles; snacks了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...恐怕, 怕是: i fear该吃零食了: it's snack time假如你看电影时听到: i gotta go home and hit the books经常看电影的人: filmgoers恐怕是病了: this child doesn恐怕是这样的: i'm afraid so戒不掉的零食: (the munchies)yc; the munchies看电影: filmwatch; go to a movie; go to movie ii; go to the cinema / movie; kinobesuch, der; -e; see a film; see a movie; seeing a film; watch a movie; watch movies; watching a movie《电影时代》周刊: movie times电影时代: movie times后电影时代: post-cinema era在电影时光: movietime各种各样的零食: all kinds of snacks电影时代杂志: movie time magazine看电影,在电影院: at the cinema