- le divorce
- 巴黎: Paris
- 恋恋7: kokoi7
- 恋恋7人组: koikoi7; kokoi7
- 恋恋笔记本: the notebook
- 恋恋不舍: have great attachment for ... and unable to part from ...; a strong attachment between them makes it difficult for them to part.; be reluctant to part from; can't bear to part with; hard to tear oneself away; hate to see sb. go; reluctant to part with ...; unwilling to give up; very unwilling to part with ...: 解放军走了, 乡亲们恋恋不舍。 the villagers couldn't bear to see the pla men leave.; the villagers hated to see the pla men go. 我和新朋友们分别时, 觉得恋恋不舍。 i found it hard to tear myself away from my new friends