- how reckless
- 恁: that this what so how
- 大胆: bold; daring; audacious
- 恁大胆!: How reckless!What audacity! that
- 大胆: bold; daring; audacious 大胆尝试 take a long shot; make a bold trial; 大胆对待 put a good face on; 大胆探索 explore courageously; 大胆的行动 a daring act; 大胆的探险家 an audacious explorer; 大胆改革教学方法 make a bold reform in the teaching method
- 大胆的: adventruous; adventurous; audacious; aweless; awless; boldhearted; confident; daring; dauntless - easily discouraged; fearfulless; fearless; free-swinging; heroic; independent; manly; plucky; stouthearted; unabashed