总括: sum up性: nature; character; dispositi ...利润: profit总括性: colligative properties依数性, 总括性: colligative property总括性订价: bundled pricing总括性概念: all-inclusive concept总括性收益表: all inclusive income statement; all inclusive type of income statement; all-inclusive type of income statement总括性损益表: all-inclusive income statement; statement of income and profit and loss; statement of income and profit-and-loss总括性损益计算书: statement of income and profit and loss总括性现金收入: all-inclusive cash wage总括利润概念: all-inclusive concept of profit一次性总付,总括性付款: capital sum成本加奖励性利润合同: costs plus incentive fee contract总括: sum up 总括起来 to sum up; to state succinctly; 总括保险 blanket insurance; 总括保险单 blanket policy概括性: generality 最后这段话概括性很强。 the last paragraph is a succinct summary利润: profit 超额利润 superprofit; 企业的利润留成收入 portion of the profits kept by the enterprises for their own use; 税前利润 pre-tax profits; 上交利润 profit turned in to the state; that part of the profit turned over to the state; 这个行业利润不大。 the profits in this business are not large.; 利润包干额 fixed profit quotas; 利润保险 profit insurance; 利润差额 profit gap; 利润定额 profit quota; 利润额 amount of profit; 利润分成 profit-sharing; 利润分成制 profit-sharing system; 利润分配 appropriation of profits; distribution of profits; 利润分享有价证券 profit sharing securities; 利润分享预测 earnings per share forecasting; 利润还原资本 capitalized profits; 利润汇回本国 repatriation of profits; 利润计划 profit-planning; 利润计量 profit measurement; 利润税 profits tax; 利润损失保险 loss of profits insurance; 利润缩减 profit squeeze; 利润再投资 reinvested earnings; reinvested profits; plough back; 利润指标 profit norm; profit index; 利润 (分配)准备 profit reserve 总括的: all inclusive; blanket; block; global; lumped; omnibus; overhead; total a总括法: lump sum method; lump-sum method总括价: blank price; lump price总括量: generalized quantity病理性利他: pathological altruism代偿性利尿: compensatory diuresis经常性利得: recurring gains抗性利用: use of resistance