总: assemble; gather; put togeth ...导航: navigation; pathfinding; pil ...误差: error导航误差: navigation error导航误差距离: guidance miss distance导航误差数据: navigation error data惯性导航误差源: error sources of inertial navigation system驾驶过失导航误差: error in navigation偏航误差: track-keeping error; yaw deviation; yaw error偏航误差信号放大器: yaw-error amplifier导航系统误差: nse navigation system error总导管: common excretory duct总导纳: resultant admittance总导演: chief director; master director总导热率: overall thermal conductance导航: navigation; pathfinding; pilot; guide 无线电导航 radio navigation; 天文导航 celestial navigation; 雷达导航 radar navigation; 给出港船舶导航 pilot the ships out; 由 ... 导航 under the pilotage of ..误差: error 平均误差 mean error; average error; 仪器误差 instrumental error; 概然误差 probable error; 行星观测上位置与计算上位置间的误差 the error of a planet; 误差极微的精密零件 precision parts with very close tolerances; 误差不超过千分之三毫米 with a tolerance of less than three-thousandths of a millimetre; 误差分析 error analysis; 误差概率 probability of error; 误差估计 error estimate; 误差函数 error function; 误差量 extent of error; 误差率 error rate 迷航误入防空识别区: to stay into adiz磁导航: magnetic navigation导航、助航: naviaid导航;航行: navigation导航标: leading mark; navigational range-marks; range marks导航船: leading ship导航的: homing导航灯: course light; leading light; navigation light; range light