The tonnage on order is equal to half the existing fleet , whereas the proportion historically has been around 30 % 订购船只的总吨位数达到现役船只总吨位数的一半,而以往这个比例一直在30 %左右。
Obviously , maersk sealand is the largest operator with total volumes more than twice that of its nearest rival cosco 很明显,就营运的总吨位来说,马士基-海陆集团仍是头号选手,比仅次于它的竞争对手中远集团几乎多出了整整一倍。
All vessels of 300 gross tonnes and above are required to participate in the vessel traffic service ( vts ) and must follow vtc directions 凡总吨位达到或超逾300吨的船舶,必须使用船只航行监察服务,并遵循船只航行监察中心的指令。
As the scheme received positive feedback from the shipping industry , the scheme was further extended to cover mrctvs of 300 tonnages or over on 16 september 2002 . 在二零零二年五月二十三日开始,入境处首先接受总吨位达700吨或以上的内河船申请预检。
This convention shall come into force 12 months after the date on which there have been registered ratifications by at least 30 members with a total share in the world gross tonnage of ships of 33 per cent 本公约应在合计占世界船舶总吨位33 %的至少30个成员国的批准书已经登记之日12个月后生效。