Taken together, these volumes provide a range of topics . 这些卷书总合在一起提供了一套专题。
Rheology is a collection of rules that tell us how certain imaginary materials respond to stresses and strains . 流变学是告诉人们某些假想物质对应力和应变是如何响应的法则的总合。
In microeconomic theory, the basic questions of what and how much to produce are assumed to be determined by the aggregate preferences of all consumers . 在微观经济理论中,不管生产什么和生产多少这一基本问题由全体消费者的总合偏好所决定。
Rotary is so much more than the sum of its parts 扶轮不只是它各个部份的总合而已。
The perimeter of rectangle is the distance around it 长方形的周长是指它边长的总合。