

发音:   用"总务省"造句
  • ministry of internal affairs and communications
  • ministry of public management home affairs posts and telecommunications
  • ministry of public management, home affairs, posts and telecommunications
  • 总务:    general affairs; general ser ...
  • :    examine oneself critically
  • 总务:    1.(机关、 学校中的行政杂务) general affairs; general services 他管总务。 he is in charge of the general affairs.2.(负责行政杂务的人) person in charge of general affairs; 总务科 general affairs section; 总务人员 general affairs personnel; 总务司 general service department
  • 财务省:    ministry of finance
  • 法务省:    justice ministry; ministry of justice


  1. Figures from the ministry of public management , home affairs , posts and telecommunications reflect this trend
  2. And this week the communications ministry indicated that it will make ntt open those fibre connections to rivals
  3. Note : 1 . population figures are approximate , based on the monthly population estimate of december 1 , 2004 compiled by the ministry of internal affairs and communications ( population eligible for driver ' s licenses = 108 . 7 million persons )
    注:人口数量引用总务省统计局“人口估算月报”中的截止到2004年12月1日的估算值(驾驶执照适龄人口为108 , 680 , 000名) 。


    总务省(Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)是日本中央省厅之一。该省的目的是确保通过行政的基本制度管理及营运能有效及综合地实施行政;实现地方自治的宗旨及确立民主政治的基础;形成自立的地区社会、国家与地方公共团体及地方公共团体之间的相互联络协调;确保及增进资讯以电子形式合理及顺畅地流通;确保及增进电波的公平及有效率地利用,以及确保邮递业务适当且确实地实行等。


        总务:    general affairs; general ser ...
        :    examine oneself critically
        总务:    1.(机关、 学校中的行政杂务) general affairs; general services 他管总务。 he is in charge of the general affairs.2.(负责行政杂务的人) person in charge of general affairs; 总务科 general affairs section; 总务人员 general affairs personnel; 总务司 general service department
        财务省:    ministry of finance
        法务省:    justice ministry; ministry of justice
        宿务省:    cebu prov. of; cebu, prov. of
        外务省:    foreign minister; ministry of foreign affairs of japan
        事务, 总务:    general affairs
        总务部:    administration/general affairs dept; administration/generalaffairsdept; general affairs department; gsd general services department
        总务长:    dean of general affairs; deanofgeneralaffairs; director in charge of general affairs
        总务处:    general affairs dept; general affairs office; general department; general office; office of general services
        总务费:    expenses of common services
        总务股:    general services unit
        总务局:    bureau of general services
        总务科:    general affair section; miscellaneous division
        总务楼:    building of genaral affairs
        总务室:    general affairs office; registries
        总务署:    gsa
        总务司:    department for general administration; dept of general affairs; division of general services; general affairs department
        总务厅:    management and coordination agency; office of general services; ogs
        总务组:    general affairs division; general affairs section; general service division
        米国农务省:    usda
        日本外务省:    ministry of foreign affairs
        外务省参与:    special assistant of foreign affairs ministry
        外务省副大臣:    senior vice-minister for foreign affairs



  1. "总务局"英文
  2. "总务科"英文
  3. "总务科长"英文
  4. "总务楼"英文
  5. "总务人员"英文
  6. "总务室"英文
  7. "总务署"英文
  8. "总务司"英文
  9. "总务司法和立法部长"英文
  10. "总务厅"英文


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